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The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Department of Riau Islands Province (DKP Kepri) has gradually made a lot of progress in realizing conservation areas in their jurisdiction. One of them is the East Bintan Island Water Tourism Park (TWP Timur Pulau Bintan) which was determined by the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries through Kepmen KP No. 18 of 2022 dated March 18, 2022. The process of developing this conservation area cannot be separated from the support of various stakeholders, including assistance programs from the MMAF, Konservasi Indonesia, Ecology Foundation, and other stakeholders. This assisting activity refers to the action plan that has been agreed upon by various parties, and the assistance will end in December 2022 to increase the capacity of SUOP and partners. 

Most of the coastal community professions in Air Glubi Village are Fishermen. Both the main fishermen and fishing workers vessels around the village. Their daily income depends on fishing activities at sea. With the pandemic condition the intensity of activities at sea is reduced and also the selling price of fish catches decreases due to the reduced export sales of fish collectors in the coastal sub-district of bintan and east bintan sub-district to Singapore and Malaysia, the main object of marketing of the fishermen’s catch in the Bintan Regency.


Toward the end of the assisting program, YEKR and SUOP conducted a workshop related to the management of this conservation area. The workshop was very strategic given that SUOP is required to be independent in carrying out its function as the manager of the East TWP Timur Pulau Bintan.


The aim of these activities are :

1. Evaluate the outputs and activity achieved during the assisting;

2. Identification and inventory of priority activities in accordance with the 2023-2042 management plan document;

3. Evaluate the management plan document to identify challenges and opportunities for future implementation;

4. Introducing the Effectiveness Evaluation of Conservation Area Management (EVIKA) tool in an MPA assessment.


This evaluation and workshop activity was carried out for two days located at the office of PSDKP and the participants are the sustainable fisheries and tourism forum, UMRAH, Provincial government agencies, BPSPL Padang Satker Tanjungpinang, YEKR, and Konservasi Indonesia. As the output of the workshop, a work plan was generated with related stakeholders for TWP Timur Pulau Bintan.

































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