Coral Reef Condition Assesor and Coral Transplantation Training for Personnel of SUOP Bintan MPA and Partners
ecology foundation/06-19-2022
Hello Ecology Friends!
Did you know that..
Coral reefs are one type of resource that is the target of the management of Bintan MPA called the Bintan Island Eastern Waters Tourism Park. The approach applied to this coral reef is the total protection of coral reefs located in 23 core zone locations, controlling the use of coral reefs in snorkeling and diving tourism sites, reef fishing sites, and rehabilitation or restoration in several potential locations. This coral reef management requires baseline data and the results of monitoring or monitoring to assess the progress of the results of the strategies implemented to manage coral reefs.
The condition of coral reefs is usually indicated by an indicator in the form of live coral cover (LCC) for a number of observation stations that are considered representative of the coral reefs being managed. This information is the result of the calculation of the cover area of ​​various categories of coral, algae and substrate types. Other information presented to state the condition of coral reefs is the number and types of fish, the number and types of macrobenthos. This approach has been applied in various places by P2O - LIPI, including coral reefs in the waters east of Bintan Island and around Mapur Island.
In preparation for the implementation of baseline data collection activities and monitoring and evaluation of coral reef conditions in Bintan MPA in 2022, the SUOP/DKP Kepri together with the Ecology Foundation will hold a Training of Coral Reef Condition Assessment and Coral Transplantation for SUOP/DKP KEPRI personnel and partners. This training activity will refer to competency units from the Special Competency Standards developed by P2O-LIPI. This training activity will be facilitated by resource persons/assessors from FIKP UMRAH who are experienced and have the competence to conduct coral reef health assessments.

This training aims to produce SUOP/DKP KEPRI personnel and partners who are able to plan data collection activities (survey/monitoring), process data, and analyze data to determine the status of coral reefs and coral transplantation in Bintan MPA and make reports.
The material for the Coral Reef Condition Assessor competency unit consists of :
1. Implementing Communication and Cooperation in the Workplace
2. Implementing Diving Sign Language Communication
3. Implementing Occupational Health and Safety Procedures in Diving
4. Prepare for Coral Reef Condition Assessment
5. Preparing Tools and Materials for Data Collection on Coral Reef Conditions
6. Determine Coral Reef Condition Assessment Stations in the Field
7. Collecting Coral Reef Data using the UPT (Underwater Photo Transect) Method
8. Managing Coral Reef Photoshoot Data
9. Analyzing Coral Reef Data
10. Make a Coral Reef Condition Assessment Report

Training participants carry out field surveys/dives in Beralas Bakau Waters, in Bintan MPA by applying the competency unit scheme studied, the group is divided into 2 groups and Training participants are also equipped with an understanding of the Coral Transplantation method as a form of management in Bintan MPA in the future. Coral transplantation carried out in Dugong Coastal Waters in Bintan MPA is a Rehabilitation Zone, coral species consist of Acropora sp and Non Acropora as many as 7 tables 175 units of Coral Transplant substrate.
The training participants are planned to take a competency exam by LSP in August 2022 and will have the BNSP Coral Reef Condition Assessor certification as a form of support for preparing Bintan MPA management personnel who are reliable in assessing the condition of coral reefs.
The involvement of various parties in the implementation of activities such as the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Riau Islands Province (DKP Kepri), Department of Culture and Tourism Kab. Bintan (Disbudpar Bintan), Tourism Actors, Pokmaswas, and NGOs are one of the good collaborations in establishing effective management cooperation involving various sectors in Bintan MPA.

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