Today, May 15th, 2020, the Ecology Foundation holds an action to distribute food items to the coastal communities of Air Glubi Village, Bintan Pesisir District, Bintan Regency. The COVID-19 pandemic is still sweeping Indonesia. Not only health problems, the COVID-19 pandemic also caused socio-economic impacts that are felt by almost all walks of life including the coast of Bintan Island. Not a few people who have to lose their jobs because of this outbreak. At times like this, social care for others is needed especially to help the affected communities.
Most of the coastal community professions in Air Glubi Village are Fishermen. Both the main fishermen and fishing workers vessels around the village. Their daily income depends on fishing activities at sea. With the pandemic condition the intensity of activities at sea is reduced and also the selling price of fish catches decreases due to the reduced export sales of fish collectors in the coastal sub-district of bintan and east bintan sub-district to Singapore and Malaysia, the main object of marketing of the fishermen’s catch in the Bintan Regency.
The following health protocol from the government that we must implement :
1. If you feel unwell with the following criteria:
a. Fever 38 degrees Celsius, and
b. Cough or flu
to take enough rest at home and if necessary drink If complaints continue, or are
accompanied by difficulty breathing (shortness of breath or rapid breathing), immediately
seek treatment at a health service facility (fasyankes)
When visiting a health facility, you must take the following actions:
a. Use a mask
b. If you don't have a mask, follow the correct ethics of coughing / sneezing by covering
your mouth and nose with a tissue or the back of your arm
c. Try not to use mass transportation
2. Health workers at the health service facility will conduct screening suspect COVID-19 :
a. If you meet the suspect COVID-19 criteria, you will be referred to one of the referral
hospitals (hospitals) who are ready for COVID19 treatment.
b. If you do not meet the criteria of suspect COVID-19, then you will be hospitalized or
outpatient depending on the diagnosis and decision of the physician.
3. If you meet the COVID-19 Suspect criteria, you will be delivered to the referral hospital using
an ambulance health facility accompanied by a health worker who uses personal protective
equipment (PPE).
4. At the referral hospital, specimens will be collected for laboratory tests and treated in
isolation rooms. after the specimen is received. If the results are positive, then you will be
declared a COVID-19 sufferer.