This activity was carried out by DKP Riau Islands Province by presenting a resource person, Mr. Sukendi Darmansyah from DJPRL Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. This activity was also attended by members of the POKJA who drafted the zoning plan document for the Bintan Conservation Area and also expert Mr. Fedi Sondita. In addition to being carried out offline at the DKP Office, this activity is also virtual or zoom.
Socialization of the benefits of Conservation Areas to the community to continue to be carried out so that Natural Resources can be used sustainably. 4 (four) points in Permen KP 31/2020 include Establishment, Management, Utilization and Evaluation. Regions, through the UPTD, are encouraged to manage the Conservation Areas that have been initiated, which are expected to eventually become BLUDs so that they are easier to manage and use. Conservation Areas are divided into National Conservation Areas (authority of MMAF) and Regional Conservation Areas (authority of the Governor), KSN and KSNT Conservation Areas under 12 miles can be designated as Regional Conservation Areas.
Follow-up to the determination of the Conservation Area includes:
Appoint a Management Organization Unit (SUOP)
Publication of Conservation Areas (in the form of marine maps of Indonesia) through relevant agencies, and
Socialization of the Ministerial Decree on the determination of the Conservation Area
In the preparation of the RZWP-3-K document for the Riau Islands Province, there was a change in the area of the Bintan Conservation Area from the previous initial proposal (Decree of the Regent of Bintan in 2006), where part of the area was turned into a Maritime Industrial Estate in the waters of Bintan Regency. Potential targets for the Conservation Area are coral reefs and seagrass beds, with a potential total area of 138,671.16 ha. If there are multiple locations the Protected Area core zone must be shown that against the target habitat within that location. The 10% area is of the target ecosystem and/or habitat, not a percentage of the total area.
The implementation of this activity is to strengthen the stages of the proposed determination of the Bintan Conservation Area by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia. It is hoped that constructive feedback and suggestions will be made so that after being determined and managed optimally, the benefits can be felt by all communities, stakeholders in the bintan conservation area.
