This month, we also started socio-economic and bioecological surveys. The villages that were the target of the survey were Pengudang Village, Malang Rapat Village, Teluk Bakau Village, Kawal Village, Mapur Village, Numbing Village, Air Glubi Village, Kelong Village, and Mantang Village. In this survey, the Socio-Economic Survey Team adapted the Focus Group Discussion method, where we discussed in small groups so that we got lots of information about the fishing areas of the fishermen, as well as some priority resources in each village such as fish resources that are caught. The main fishermen, protected biota such as dugongs, turtles, dolphins, and important ecosystems in the village, such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves. We also received information about several threats and problems faced by fishermen in each of the villages that were the target of the survey, such as the use of destructive fishing gear, the presence of boats that harm coastal fishermen, pollution such as oil spill waste, and shrimp pond waste, which disturbs the coastal ecosystem.
Using the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) method, the Bioecology Team began a survey of the coral reef ecosystem in the Bintan Regency Marine Protected Area (KKPD). The total number of coral reef monitoring stations are 8 (eight) permanent stations, located on the coast of the eastern part of Gunung Kijang District and several small islands in Bintan Pesisir District including Telang Besar Island, Telang Kecil Island, Penyusuk Island, Suka Island, Cengom Island. Sentut Island, Malang Melibun, and Malang Musuh.
This activity is carried out by using SCUBA diving equipment. Our initial step was to shoot along the transect line with the help of a frame measuring 44 x 58 cm. Shooting started from the 1st meter to the 50th meter with a distance between shots of 1 meter. Shooting on the 1st meter (Frame 1), 3rd meter (Frame 3), and subsequent odd-numbered frames are done to the left of the transect line (the part closer to the 6 landmasses), while for the even-numbered frames (Frame 2, Frame 4 and so on) is carried out to the right of the transect line (the part further from the mainland). In addition to data collection on coral reefs, we also collect data on reef-fish, using the Visual Census Method developed by ASEAN AUSTRALIA PROJECT. The equipment used is scuba diving equipment (SCUBA DIVING), underwater writing equipment, and roll meter. The 70 m transects are made parallel to the edge or coastline, with observations of 2.5 m to the left and right of the transect line. Determination of fish species based on coral fish identification guidebook.
To celebrate the 75th Independence Day of the Republic Indonesia, Ecology Foundation participated in the Flag Raising activity from under the sea which was initiated by the Indonesian Navy-Marine Corps which took place at Serumpun Padi Emas Resort, Teluk Bakau, Bintan. By taking this year's theme “Indonesia Maju” this activity was attended by 75 divers who were a combination of Indonesian Navy-Police personnel and Dive Community in Tanjungpinang.