Mangrove Ecosystems In Balancing
The Coastal Environment
ecology foundation/10-12-2023
Indonesia has almost 20% of the world's mangrove ecosystem. Mangrove ecosystems are systems in nature where life takes place that reflects the mutual relationship between living things and their environment. Mangroves also serve to protect marine habitats from harmful nutrients and runoff that can harm seagrasses, coral reefs and fisheries biodiversity.
The role of mangrove ecosystems in coastal environments such as, prevention of coastal erosion by means of mangrove roots help to bind the soil and prevent coastal erosion due to waves and seawater currents. Mangroves are also a shelter for fish habitats and other types of biota, mangrove leaves are also a source of food for organisms living surrounding area. Pollution filters, maintaining water and air quality, economic sources for fishermen, as a source of food, and carbon storage.
Although we know that mangrove ecosystems have a very important role for the environment or the economy of coastal communities, it is undeniable that mangrove ecosystems continue to be under pressure both naturally and from human activities. Massive illegal logging and uncontrolled land clearing are the main threats to the sustainability of mangrove ecosystems.

Therefore, in an effort to maintain the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem, it is necessary to carry out definite law enforcement and also most importantly to provide public understanding of the functions and benefits of mangroves existence to the impacts that can occur if the mangrove ecosystem is damaged. This understanding also needs to be implemeted as early as possible as friendly knowledge to the coastal environment.
On September 12th, 2023 through the Goes to School program, Yayasan Ecology Kepulauan Riau provided environmental education at SDN 004 Mapur Village. The Environmental education with a conservation theme aims to introduce nature to students and increase students' awareness and concern for the environment through environmental education and conservation as well as providing knowledge and skills. After getting learning and experience, students are expected to know the interaction between species, types of species with their habitats and recognize native tropical wildlife and its natural heritage.
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