Data and information regarding the community's economy and the condition of the coral reef ecosystem in Marine Protected Area (MPA) Bintan is very needed in the preparation of the completeness in management and zoning plans of MPA Bintan. After obtaining data and information through bioecological and socio-economic surveys, we started data input and analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, we obtained various data on priority resources, including several types of grouper, barred fish, mackerel, anchovy, shrimp, crab, sea cucumber, snapper, and several types of reef fish which are the main catch by fisherman. Dugongs, turtles, coral reefs, seagrass, and mangroves which are also priority resources in several villages.
Fishermen exchange rate (NTN), production volume (ton) and fish production value (Rp)
in Riau Islands Province in 2015-2019
We also get data on the causes of threats to priority resources including the use of destructive fishing gear, industrial activities and waste, oil sludge that comes every year, bad human behavior such as picking up turtle eggs and taking out the trash, exploitation of sea cucumbers, and the existence of large ships that disturbing coastal fishermen.
The majority of people living in the MPA Bintan work as coastal fishermen. In general, fishing activities carried out by coastal fishermen can be classified as short operating trips or one-day fishing trips. They leave in the morning, then at sea a few hours or until noon or evening. If they leave in the afternoon they will return in the morning. Because they still use ships that are under 5 GT (Gross Tonnage), and the fishing gear used is still traditional, such as fishing rods, traps, and nets.
No. About 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1. NTN 112,2 111,65 112,01 112,36 113,08
2. Production (Ton) 302.263 303.411 304.244 304.221 309.294
3. Fisheries Economic 8.776.299.416 8.823.495.291 9.194.557.924 9.440.586.072
Value (Rp.000)
Fish production on the coast of the Bintan Regency area was obtained by a fishing fleet consisting of various sizes of fishing vessels, which in 2019 totaled 6,812 units.
the fishing gear used by fisherman such as fishing rods, traps, and nets.
Bintan Regency fish production in 2019 involved 18,202 fishermen. With a size of <5 - 30 GT. Meanwhile only 6,210 fishermen or 2-3 people per unit (but generally 2 fishermen per unit) while one boat without a motor is operated by one fisherman.
Note : we make a conceptual model of management for the 9 villages in the Bintan MPA , the picture above is one of them
Utilization of tourism areas are divided into small, medium, and large scale. Including mangrove tours, kelong tours, white sand beaches and rocks, marine ecotourism, snorkeling and diving, and island hoping.
The map below is the result of an analysis and data of commitments or proposals
from 9 villages in Bintan MPA Total Area is 185.078,46 Ha
No Take Zone : 3.982 Ha
Utilization Zone : 4.275,19 Ha
Sustainable Fishing Zone : 176.832,18 Ha