Collaborative Strategies For Protect
Coral Reef Ecosystems
ecology foundation/12-13-2023
Coral reef ecosystem is an environment that is very rich in biodiversity. Economically, coral reef ecosystems are assets that play a role in supporting the economy of coastal communities.
Therefore, It is necessary to have a collaborative strategy to protect coral reefs, namely the role of the community and the government in coral reef conservation, which highlights how active community participation and government policies can influence coral reef sustainability. A collaborative strategy to protect coral reefs describes a joint effort between government agencies, NGOs, and local communities in safeguarding coral reef ecosystems. Coral reef conservation in challenges and opportunities which describes the challenges faced and opportunities that exist in protecting coral reefs.
Riau Islands Provincial Government held an Focus Group Discussion on optimizing the potential of marine and maritime resources in Riau Islands which was attended by, among others, Ministries and Institutions, Regional Leaders Communication Forums and Vertical Agencies in Riau Islands, Academics, Business Actors, Media and NGOs/NGOs in order to provide various suggestions and strategic roles for optimizing the potential of sustainable marine and maritime resources in the Riau Islands. The geographical condition of Riau Islands is 96% of the ocean which is very strategic in supporting the optimization of the potential of marine and maritime resources which also located on international shipping lanes, directly bordering to Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, and Malaysia.

The leading sectors of marine and fisheries economic development in Riau islands include the potential of capture fisheries in WPP 711 of 767,125 tons/year until 2022, the potential od seawater aquaculture in 2022 of 10,266 tons in 7 Regencies/Cities, and the largest is in Natuna, processing of fishery products, marine tourism, fishing ports and other service ports.
Meanwhile, the Energy and Mineral Resources Potential in Riau Islands includes the utilization of mineral resources that have been exploited in several regions, such as Bintan, Tanjungpinang, Karimun, and Lingga, as well as mining potential which contributes the largest regional revenue is oil and gas in Natuna Regency and Anambas Islands Regency. The potential source of oil and gas energy is located in the Natuna Sea. The involvement of parties and coastal communities in managing coral reef resources together is very important, starting from planning, implementation, monitoring to evaluation of biodiversity management.
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