Sustainable Ocean Management
For The Welfare of Small Fisherman
ecology foundation/11-07-2023
Sustainable ocean management is an approach that ensures the responsible use of marine resources and their ecosystems, so as to meet the current needs without sacrificing sustainability for future generations. Marine resource management regulates fishing, aquaculture, and other utilization of marine resources to remain sustainable. Overall, this ecosystem as a whole is fully utilized by small-scale fishers as a livelihood for the local communities.
Utilization activities do not only think about how fish are caught to meet market demand, but must consider the condition of the habitat and ecosystems that support the life of fish resources themselves. Protection and empowerment of small-scale fishers need to be prioritized in every government policy. Good marine governance management that favors small-scale fishers will have an ecological and economic effect on the sustainability of fisheries.

Sustainable ocean management for the welfare of small-scale fishers is a very important approach to safeguarding marine areas and ecosystems. Small-scale fishers play an important role in maintaining healthy marine ecosystems and supporting local economies. Acknowledging and addressing the challenges they face is an essential step towards a more sustainable future.
An ambitious global target through the Post-CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) 2022 framework to protect at least 30% of the ocean in a network of highly protected marine protected areas and implement effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) by 2030 needs to be implemented at the national and regional level with marine protected areas. Scientific evidence also shows that to ensure a healthy, productive, and resilient marine environment, at least 30% of the world's oceans must be protected within a network of Conservation Areas and managed effectively. It has been proven that the Riau Islands Marine Protected Area have core zones/protected zone from fishing activities and other uses are critical to restore and protect biodiversity.
On November 7th, 2023 YEKR and Stakeholders were involved in a meeting of Fisheries Management Institution at WPPNRI 711. The strengthening of Fisheries Management Institutions in the Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic Indonesia (LPP WPPNRI) was facilitated by the USAID Ber-IKAN Program. The LPP WPPNRI 711 meeting consisted of the Central Government Panel (MMAF), the Regional Government Panel (Riau Islands, Riau, Jambi, Bangka Belitung and West Kalimantan Provincial Governments), the Industry Panel (Business Association, Supplier/Fisherman), Scientific Panel (Higher Education/Universities, Komnaskajiskan, Researchers), and Civil Society Panel (NGOs, CSOs, CBOs).
The purpose of this implementation is to improve the organizational structure and personnel of UPP-WPPNRI which is adaptive to the needs of future fisheries management, by applying the principle of stakeholder representation in the context of implementing the principles of togetherness, partnership and openness (Article 2 of Law Number 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries as amended by Law Number 45 of 2009).
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