Forum Group Discussion (FGD)
ecology foundation/12-05-2022
Hello Ecology Friends!
Did you know that..
Indonesia Government in this case, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is organizing a program entitled USAID Bersama Kelola Perikanan (USAID Ber-IKAN). This program aims to advance Indonesia's independence in protecting marine biodiversity by improving sustainable and equitable fisheries management. This program is planned to be conducted during 5 (five) years 2023-2027, and enact WPPNRI 711 located in Bintan waters of Riau islands province as one of the management targets besides WPPNRI 715 in Maluku Province.
On December 13th-14th 2022, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held as a follow-up to the rapid assessment that had been carried out previously. The purpose of implementing this FGD is to disseminate the USAID Ber-IKAN program to related stakeholders, collecting additional data and information regarding the four main commodities in Riau Islands (Snapper, Crab, Octopus, and Small Pelagic Fish), characteristics of fishing activities by fishermen and supply chain actors, as well as collecting input and recommendations from districts/cities as the candidate locations for the program implementation.
Various stakeholders from central and regional Government levels were involved in this activity, including the Provincial Marine and Fisheries Department (DKP Kepri), District/City Fisheries Department, Fisheries Institution (HNSI, KNTI, LKPI) UMRAH, Ecology Foundation, and Several Fisheries companies in Tanjungpinang, Bintan, and Natuna. Apart from the FGDs, this activity also collected data by distributing questionnaires, one on one meetings in an effort to explore and collect a variety of data and information obtained through desk studies, and ended with a site visit to Kampung Nelayan Maju (KALAJU) in Bintan.

The scope of this program focuses on its objectives, namely:
1. Increasing adoption and adherence to evidence-based fisheries policies for featured fisheries;
2. Strengthening small-scale fisheries governance;
3. Increasing government and market-based incentives for sustainable seafood products;
4. Increasing the protection of ETP (Endangered, Threatened, Protected marine species) that are affected by fishing practices.
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