Mangroves are a unique and distinctive form of forest ecosystem, found in tidal areas in coastal areas, and this mangrove forest plays an important role and function for the environment, in addition to preventing abrasion and seawater intrusion, as a place for feeding and breeding marine biota, and mangroves also act as blue carbon by absorbing carbon from the atmosphere, so that they can mitigate climate change.
July 26 is World Mangrove Day, but the current condition of the mangrove ecosystem in Indonesia is not in good condition. Based on several reference data that we have traced, 637,624 of the 3.31 million hectares of mangrove land in Indonesia are in critical condition. The preservation of the mangrove ecosystem is one of the determinants of the health of the coastal ecosystem and is certainly related to economic resources for coastal communities because mangroves support the activities of the fisheries sector, aquaculture and the use of tourism.
On December 2020, with the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 120/2020, the Government of Indonesia established Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency or BRGM (Badan Restorasi Gambut dan Mangrove). The institution is a continuation of the Peat Restoration Agency/BRG formed in 2016 and has ended its working period in the end of 2020. As implied in its name, BRGM’s mandate also includes mangrove rehabilitation. 600,000 ha of mangrove is targeted to be rehabilitated by 2024 covering nine provinces namely North Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands, Bangka Belitung, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, Papua, and West Papua. By the end of this year, this mangrove rehabilitation program is expected to cover 83,000 ha of mangrove in nine priority provinces.
Aligned with post-COVID 19 National Economic Recovery Program, local economy development is also at the heart of this mangrove restoration design activities. Through labour-intensive approach, throughout 2021, the mangrove planting activities in nine provinces are estimated to involve 203.500 local workers. With 1.5 billion rupiah allocated, more than half will be spent for nurseries and planting activities implemented by local workers from respective villages. In the indicative target of mangrove rehabilitation in 2021-2024 for the Riau Islands Province with a total critical mangrove area of 37,432 Ha. The plan for accelerating mangrove rehabilitation in 2021 with a planning scheme includes location targets, technical designs, implementing institutions, implementing mechanisms, preparation and provision of seeds, planting, coaching and monitoring evaluation and reporting so that the implementation of activities is effective in accordance with the expected targets.
The preservation of the mangrove ecosystem will support the global blue economy. The blue economy is the sustainable use of marine resources for economic growth, improving livelihoods and jobs, as well as the health of marine ecosystems. The blue economy includes many activities ranging from marine transportation, fisheries, use of renewable energy, tourism, to climate change.
So, let's make this World Mangrove Day a momentum to increase our awareness of the importance of protecting and preserving the mangrove ecosystem, Sahabat Ecology
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