The Activities were carried out in October 2020 include holding various direct meetings and virtual discussions with various parties, such as the DKP Kepri, BPSPL Padang, UMRAH, CI-Indonesia, Tourism Actors, Village Representatives, and Local Communities.
Publication of Survey Output
The Ecology Foundation published the output of the socio-economic and bioecological surveys that were obtained in the survey in August to all village heads adjacent to the Bintan MPA, located at Madu Tiga Beach Resort. On this occasion, we also discussed with the village heads regarding the proposed changes to the Riau Islands Coastal Zone and Small Islands Zoning Plan (RZWP3K) on the allocation of space for the Bintan Marine Protected Area (KKPD) in the form of reviewing the conservation area for the landing area. ships and the East Bintan Maritime Industry. The information obtained is sourced from the BPSPL Padang Marine and Fisheries Ministry website.
Of course, this is a big question for village heads because the maritime industry activities will have an impact on local communities who work as fishermen, especially coastal fishermen. Where these activities will also affect the catch of the fishermen. The participants also proposed to review the proposed anchoring zone to the local government as well as any programs that have a direct impact on people who will lose their jobs, especially fishermen.
In the tourism sector, it is also the biggest asset that is in the Bintan Marine Protected Area (KKPD), this is the support for the diversity of the uniqueness of the Bintan Marine Protected Area (KKPD). Data resulting from various studies from several parties, including researchers, universities, and data from the tour operators themselves are the most important part as mutual support and commitment to maintaining, preserving and managing well. Let us support together to create effective management in the Bintan Marine Protected Area (KKPD).
MPA 101 Training for Stakeholders and Local Communities
Marine Protected Area is an important area that can support the life of the community in various activities such as fisheries, tourism, and others. In its management, MPA requires a management team that understands all aspects of the MPA. Ecology Foundation collaborate with CI-Indonesia will carry out MPA 101 training for Stakeholders and Local Communities which is planned in November. This training will aim to increase the capacity of the Bintan MPA organizer consisting of stakeholders and the community, covering aspects of the basic principles of MPA management, sustainable fishing activities in the MPA, sustainable tourism activities in the MPA, law enforcement activities for MPA management, educational activities for MPA management, as well as MPA management planning.