Today, April 22, 2020, MPA101 training was conducted for the management unit of Department Marine and Fisheries Riau Islands and also The Ecology Foundation. This training was conducted virtually using the Microsoft Team application from April 22 to May 6, 2020 and conducted a competency test for all TOT participants on May 11, 2020. It was conducted at the DKP office and the Ecology Foundation Office. There are seven modules presented during the training, namely:
1. Basic Principles for Management of Aquatic Areas (zoning)
2. Important Processes and Interactions in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
3. Principles of Sustainable Fisheries Activities at MPA
4. Principles of Sustainable Tourism Activities in MPA
5. Explain the Principles of Law Enforcement Activities for the MPA
6. Principles of Educational Activities for the MPA
7. Training on Management of MPA
There were 10 participants involved in this training from 2 institutions, namely Department Marine and Fisheries Riau Islands and The Ecology Foundation. While the facilitators came from CI-Indonesia, IPB University, and BPPP Medan MMAF.
Establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) throughout the region needs to go hand in hand with an increase in the capacity of human resources for effective management of MPA. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia together with partners is making special efforts to prepare competent professionals to carry out sustainable fisheries planning in MPA.
To be able to create competent professionals, Conservation International Indonesia has conducted training of trainers / Training of Trainers (TOT) management of Marine Protected Areas conducted virtually / remotely. This was done because the participants would be involved in the training as facilitators to train various stakeholders who had direct or indirect contact with the MPAs in the Riau Islands. In addition, participants are expected to be able to effectively manage the MPAs in Riau Islands.
The objectives of the MPA 101 training include:
1. Provide intensive training to participants who will become facilitators to the people in the
Riau Islands Region
2. Producing competent and certified competency trainers.