As an effort to increase the capacity of MPA Bintan 1 managers and users (stakeholders), Ecology Foundation in collaboration with CI Indonesia and Riau Islands Province Marine and Fisheries Office carried out MPA 101 training, where the funding was supported by CI Indonesia. This training was carried out in 2 stages, starting with the first phase for the stakeholders from various related agencies in MPA Bintan 1, such as the UMRAH University, Marine and Fisheries office in the Riau Islands, BPSPL Padang Satker Tanjungpinang, Ecology Foundation Staff, Fishery extension agents, GENPI Community, and GENBI Bank Indonesia Community.
It was lasted for 3 days and attended by 15 participants. Then the second phase of MPA 101 training for local community leaders from villages that intersect with MPA Bintan 1. It was also lasted for 3 days and attended by 25 community leaders. The material presented in this training was a competency-based basic training module for marine conservation area management planning.
There are seven modules presented during the training, namely:
1. Basic Principles for Management of Aquatic Areas (zoning)
2. Important Processes and Interactions in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
3. Principles of Sustainable Fisheries Activities at MPA
4. Principles of Sustainable Tourism Activities in MPA
5. Explain the Principles of Law Enforcement Activities for the MPA
6. Principles of Educational Activities for the MPA
7. Training on Management of MPA
We were very pleased because the participants were enthusiast and truly in this training. We hope this can encourage them to support and participate actively in the management of marine protected areas. In addition, being in different backgrounds, from various management agencies to the users in the area, through this training it is expected for them to work together in the management of marine conservation areas. Thus, all of stakeholders have the same understanding for effective management of marine protected areas.
On the third day traing the trainers and training participants had the opportunity to have a field visit to one of the well-managed tourist islands, Nikoi, on that occasion the participants could also discuss with each other in tourism governance that has been developed in support of sustainable tourism and environmental management.​
Public Consultation on Management and Zoning Plans
On November 17th 2020, we also participated in the Public Consultation organized by Riau Islands Province Marine and Fisheries Office. Took place at the DKP office, this activity was attended by a working group, consisting of representatives from provincial government agencies in Riau Islands, representatives of Bintan district government agencies, BPSPL Padang, UMRAH, and several fishing community organizations/associations in Bintan. This Public Consultation aimed to discuss and collect feedback on the Bintan MPA Management and Zoning Plan, as well as adjustments to the RPZ draft with the latest regulations, namely Permen KP No. 31 of 2020, concerning to conservation area management. This was a first step and an important part of the efforts to manage Bintan MPA. We hope that we can keep to contribute and work in synergy with all stakeholders in order to create a sustainable and effective management of conservation area.

Photo with stakholders MPA 101 training participants
Photo with local communities MPA 101 training participants